A newly-released video of immigrant rights activists Daniel Alfaro and Angel Navarrete contesting the legitimacy of DUI checkpoints in Escondido should serve as a caution to us all. When Mr. Navarrete is stopped by Escondido Police, he demonstrates that he is sober, clearly meeting the purported "test." But when police ask him to produce a drivers license, he refuses to do so, asking instead a series of quintessentially American questions: "On what grounds are you asking me to produce identification?" "Am I being detained?" "Am I free to go?" Police officers persist in asking for his license, and when he refuses, they break his car window and drag him from the car. These checkpoints are just one of the reasons Escondido has earned the reputation as a hotbed of local anti-immigration sentiment and enforcement. Local police erect random and mandatory stops for all vehicles, obstensibly to check sobriety, but along the way identif...
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